Sunday, March 3, 2013

week 9

all pictures were from sunday...been an uneventful week, i guess. i've been under the weather with allergies all week...sore throat/ears, raspy voice, headaches. taking medicine way more than i usually do. got checked out by a doctor thursday who said it was all due to the oak in the air - hope it goes away soon. hmmm...i think those are oak trees in my front yard...

thursday night we got to do dinner at the house of one of the families in our small group - it was a week of fellowship, and in addition to our usual group, several of their neighbors came along too. so cool to see neighborhood friends come in - hope we can do the same in our neighborhood in coming weeks :)

here's what's documented for the week...

blown away

we went to kite festival this morning. such fun - free event! - down at zilker park. ellie took along a friend, and we met up with more friends once we got there. jonah and sadie (and parents) hung with us for most of the time, and tim and molly showed up for a bit as well.

we walked around a bit, there was hula-hooping station we stopped at, many food vendors (but we packed our own picnic - gourmet feast of pb&j, thank you!), lots of loud music broadcast by one of the local radio stations, and THOUSANDS of kites in the sky!

upon arriving, we found a great place to lay out the quilt and get settled in. kaleb, in fact, laid down on his back to take it all in! he and i laid there for several minutes pointing at the various kites in the sky. we saw some that looked like jets/airplanes, lots of princesses, some fish, and one pirate ship - pretty cool. and in the center ring, as if a main attraction at the circus, there were several HUGE kites - like with 10+ strings attached to each one. one was a friendly devil, there was a blowfish (he never got off the ground), a couple of geometrically-shaped ones with long, flowing tails. all were pretty impressive. 

one of the vendors was passing out free kite kits, so we grabbed a few and headed back to our base. eric and the kids assembled them, but we could never get one to take off. we tried everything! finally, the man on the blanket behind us said, "there's not a single one of those in the sky for a reason. they don't really work." so noted. the kids had fun trying, though :)

kaleb crashed in the car before we ever left the parking lot, and the girls talked about kites most of the ride home. successful morning outing!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

weeks 7 and 8

holy cow. i'm a couple of weeks behind. and truth be told, i had week 8 done on time, but to post it without the previous week would be out of order. and to post it last weekend would have been a bit premature on announcing my new job - but now it's really official, and my current employer knows my plans to move on, and I'M SO EXCITED!

check out the pages (click on one to make them larger)...

still working on this past week. maybe post tomorrow? we'll see :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

weeks 5 and 6...a bit late

we've had a busy past couple of weeks, followed by some great family downtime this past weekend, and i'm just now getting around to my project life. and yes, i did 2 weeks at once. i told myself at the beginning of the year it wouldn't happen, but it did. and just this once :)


week 5:

and week 6:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

week 4 update

a day late, but with good and nonna were in town! we've eaten at great restaurants, had beautiful weather all week long to play outside, and enjoyed some time with family and friends. enjoy :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

sticking to saturdays

for now, at least, i'm right on track...granted, it's only week 3, but here's this week's installment of the odenwald's project life:

and remember, if you click on the image, it'll get bigger so you stand a better chance of reading :)

this week has been a busy one, but one of many celebrations (another c, i might add) - not just the birthday celebration today, but celebrating the start of small groups and discipleship groups, as well as meeting weekly as a church in a building rather than crammed into a house.

we celebrate aunt b from afar as she is living on her own!! she moved yesterday, and although a part of me wishes i could have been there to help her move (but i've helped with many of her moves - in and out of places!), a bigger part of me enjoyed getting the texts throughout the day with pics interspersed to keep me updated. glad i could be involved even though i wasn't hands-on.

coolest thing...she's got my quilt on her bed!

so glad you like it, looks like you (no, not literally - you know what i mean)!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

project life

i'm trying a new type of scrapbooking this year that is quick and easy, done on a weekly basis, and still cute when i want to print a hard copy at the end of the year. check out our first two weeks of 2013:

pretty fun stuff, i think. eric hates it because i've been taking pictures of EVERYTHING we do. i even got one of him vacuuming last week. and i refrained from using it. yet. :)

i've carved out the saturday nap time each week to get our weekly page done; otherwise, i can see where it'll be july and i'm making up lost time by documenting our march happenings. so weekly on saturday afternoons, it is!