Sunday, June 17, 2012

hello, june!

we're over halfway through the month, and this would be the first entry i've made this month. did you know that kaleb turned 1? cacky came for a last-minute visit last weekend? ellie got her first real haircut today? yup...all that has happened this month. i'll post later about kaleb's birthday - he deserves his own entry! but for a sneak peak, this is how much fun we had:

it was a super-fun day for all!

so that was the first weekend of the month. the second one, fabo had a golf tournament in waco, and instead of cacky staying home alone, she came for a visit! eric and i got a date night friday night, but i think the real treat was that the kids got to spend the evening with cacky. saturday, cacky and i took the kids to the lady bird johnson wildflower center - just around the corner from us.

cacky and the kids at the entrance
(kaleb napped through the first portion of the excursion)

ellie and me at the pond. ellie was amazed at the coins in the pond - where did they come from? how did they get there? who put them there? what are they for?

the kids just chillin' in a nook of the home garden ideas section

kaleb's first chick-fil-a experience on the way home - it's a positive one!

we said goodbye to cacky sunday at lunch before she drove to waco to sit in the blazing heat with fabo and watch the baylor baseball team lose the first of two to arkansas and be out of the run to the college world series. ellie went down for nap shortly after cacky left, and when she woke up she was crying - not whining or pouty but actual tears and sobs. when asked what was wrong, she said, "i don't want cacky to go home." we loved her visit!

ellie's been taking part in swim lessons these past 2 weeks through the city parks and rec department. her friend, jonah, is in class with her. and although she's still a bit intimidated of the water, she's tons more secure than she was. she did great, and even brought home a badge and certificate that she had been successful in completing the tasks required to advance beyond the angelfish class.

ellie in goggles. always.

floating on her back. working on letting the instructor hold her while she floats.

ellie and jonah kicking while holding on to the ledge on the side.

kaleb benefitted from swim class as well. he was in the water most days. and when not in the water, he volunteered to hold ellie's goggles! he was amazed at the similarity between the pool and the bathtub - he thought it was so cool to be able to all get in at once!

and lastly, we went today to bird's barbershop for ellie's first official haircut. she did great - held still, follow commands (look down, look up, close your eyes)! kaleb went along for the ride, and he got his little curls in the back trimmed. i still can't believe it's my SON who needs a haircut so early. ellie didn't even have hair until she was 2! so backwards...

movie star. on the way to get a trim.

waiting, waiting.

combing it out to get started.

hair cut by bill. he has a 4-year-old son. ellie said zero words to him the entire visit.

still working...

still waiting...

all done! beautiful! she loved the hair dryer...we'll have to dry at home more often!

busy month thus far. thanks for reading :)