Sunday, April 29, 2012

earth day

was last friday. and in honor of the occasion, ellie and her classmates planted in the garden at school. each child was supposed to take something to plant - seeds or plant, fruit/veggie/flower. ellie took green bean seeds. she was excited because jonah also brought seeds!

and to further celebrate the occasion, we asked fabo and cacky to come down and help revamp our flowerbeds. what a weekend! here's what we've got:
3 pots on the back porch that ellie claims are hers. she's very good to water them daily.

a parkway of plants. it was once grass. we sprayed it to kill it. twice. eric tilled it. we planted and placed stones. watering daily, and i think the plants look pretty good at this point. and here's a close-up of what we planted:

in our big flowerbed up by the house, we have a nice arrangement of blue salvia and stella de oro day lillies:

i can't wait to watch this grow and transform in coming years! it's a bloodgood japanese maple tree that mom and i found at a nursery out in bee caves. 

i have forever wanted to plant a japanese maple and never had the right spot  for it. so in this house, i was so excited to see the sun/shade patterns just right for one in the front bed! i researched about a month ago online and found a bloodgood to be one of the types of japanese maples i wanted to find. lo and behold - they're easy to find in austin! i must have known what i was talking about! 

my father thinks it's a little dr. seuss-ish because of the wild branch shooting upward from the left side of the plant. (and the picture is HORRIBLY's time for a new camera...hint hint!)

tonight, we finished up our plantings by putting in the ground a dwarf pomegranate tree. it will grow to be about 5' tall. right now, it stands at about a foot. and it has BRIGHT red-orange blooms on it. can't wait to see how it produces this summer!

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