Sunday, April 15, 2012

grill out

We are back in the business of grilling - and Eric is SO excited! he got a grill for his birthday since we sold the last one when we moved. (it's hard to justify keeping a grill when you're in an apartment indefinitely.) so we went for him to pick out his grill thursday, and spent the evening putting it together after the kids were in bed. i cooked the cast iron grates in the oven all afternoon friday, and we fired it up friday night with friends around to help commemorate the special occasion!

our friends from our small group at church, oscar and jen and their 2 girls (ages 2 and 5), and chad, came over as well as the peyton family from the kids' school. ellie really enjoys playing with jonah (just turned 4) and sadie (3 in june), so we were glad to get to play with them outside of school. 

the kids all crammed into the little playhouse in the backyard and had a blast! they also played croquet and blew bubbles - and all before dinner, thanks to daylight savings time! we all ate outside, and then the kids headed inside to dress up. it was quite a fashion show!  

everyone stayed until about 8.30, at which point kaleb had a meltdown (in his defense, his bath was an hour overdue). so i took him in to bathe him. we discovered that night that ellie's conditioned to take her clothes off to the sound of running bath water - she got naked as could be and ran into the bathroom! i tried to explain that kaleb was taking a bath and she could wait until after her friends left, but she'd have none of it. oops! sadie wanted to stay and keep her company in the bathroom :)

we had so much fun! can't wait to do it again soon :)

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