Monday, May 28, 2012

Rewarded for Serving

we got the opportunity to campus a neighborhood, advertising for a community gathering our church is hosting at the one of the community centers near where we meet. the kids went with us, kaleb in the jogging stroller and ellie on her bicycle. she pedaled up and down the streets like a champ - there were some hills! (eric helped propel her up and held her back on the way back down. he got a work out in!) and after we spent about an hour going door-to-door, we headed back to the rec center where there was a way cool playground. we spent a few minutes playing before heading home for lunch.

kaleb hasn't felt well today. i think he's getting a tooth (or maybe multiple), and he's got a bit of a sunburn from yesterday (despite layers of sticky sunscreen)

ellie, on the other hand, feels just fine! she crawled in and out of these cool giant spheres:

and climbed to the top of the playscape - it was a cool one! it had some benches to rest on, and 3 slides, and a couple of wheels and a telescope!

and for her finale, she slid down one of the slides, stopped at the bottom to stand up, and took a giant leap in the air!

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