Saturday, November 17, 2012


last sunday we got the awesome opportunity to get out and see some live music - in the self-proclaimed live music capital of texas, our own home city! and we took the kids!

one of eric's riding buddies plays base guitar as well as drums and piano and also sings. one sunday a month, he plays base for a guy named trent something-or-other, and this month we had time to go see him. it was such fun! here he is with the green spotlight on him:

the weather was PERFECT and about 70 degrees. our jackets could stay in the car. the kids took a bit to warm up to the setting - not cold, just shy - but then you couldn't keep them from dancing. we had a picnic table at the back of the area, and there was some good open space just next to us. 

ellie used one of the picnic benches for a balance beam and would do her routine from one end to the other and then dismount in a different way each time. kaleb watched with fascination, never was allowed to try, but did kind of roll around on the ground in break-dancing fashion once or twice :)

alan, eric's friend, brought his dog. well, his fiancee mo actually kept up with sweet hudson. kaleb was very thankful hudson was there!

we had such a fun time listening to the tunes and snacking on some chips and salsa - we'll definitely return! 

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