Tuesday, December 25, 2012

ellie's haircut

sorry for such a delay from the last post. lots has happened. my sister graduated and is now a physical therapist (whoo hoo!) three of us in this house have suffered bad colds, we mourned the loss of my grandmother a week before Christmas, traveled to dallas for a quick pre-Christmas celebration with all kinds of family and friends (to be posted on at a later time), and are now back home listening to the wind howl away, bringing us frigid temperatures. 

can't complain, though, because it's still as sunny as can be. ellie's on the couch next to me after a little after-lunch nap watching a Charlie Brown Christmas on the ipad as i use eric's computer to get up to speed on our happenings this month.

but enough of all that. the reason for this post is all about ellie. just before leaving for garland she got a great little haircut (literally just before leaving...less than 2 hours from cut to car trip!) by the same girl who cuts my hair. it was quite an adventure for her, complete with wash, cut, and dry.  what a treat!

she sat on a stack of towels that were held in place by me as meagan washed her hair.

and then when all clean, she got a turban wrap on her head to walk to the chair for the cut. so big!

she held still for the most part, forgetting to hold her head straight every now-and-then. she didn't say much, was pretty quiet as she took it all in.

and then came the blow-dry part. which she never lets me do at home, but was good to let meagan do it that night.

when all done, she was spun around in the chair and taught to look in the hand mirror to see the back of her hair. and she paused to give a great smile!

aunt b accompanied us to the salon, and we dropped kaleb off at the bike shop for some man time while we went. apparently, he had the time of his life! and brett, the shop owner, loved having him around, too :) afterwards, we all met up for some p. terry's burgers - something new for aunt b. 

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