Saturday, January 5, 2013

happy new year!

a little belated, i realize, but better late than never, right? i've been a stranger to this place for a few weeks - it's been so busy! despite my efforts to de-busy the holidays, they still seemed to get filled up with so many (SUPER FUN) things. so glad to have experienced it all, but also so glad to have a week or so of down time to unwind.

my 8-day vacay from work was WONDERFUL - it was so difficult to get up and be at work at 5.30am my first 2 days back. not ideal. i also got to spend part of the day new year's eve at home with the kids, and as much fun as all this time at home with kids sounds, it really was kind of a struggle the last couple of days. my kids appreciate their school routine more than any of us realized prior to this little school break. they thrive on structure and activities and classmates and teachers. THANK YOU to the wonderful women who guide my children on a daily basis. they went back to school wednesday without incident. eric reported kaleb didn't even turn back for so much as a "goodbye" he was so excited to be back among peers!

we've had a mostly low-key week around here. we've enjoyed many fires on the cold nights we've had all week. the kids have already gotten so much usage out of their new hats, and kaleb's really makes his hair crazy - so fun :) lots of snuggle time at bedtime - i am so thankful that both of my kids love to snuggle. it's a great part of parenting!

we're back on track with our saturday morning grocery shopping, complete today with a snack of fig newtons. yum-o! this year, our family is looking forward to many shared meals and other times with friends in our church and in our neighborhood as we continue to learn what it is to love God and love others. we are blessed beyond what words can express with all God's given, and we hope to use it all to His glory in our area of town. 2013 also brings about the start of kindergarten for ellie this fall (yikes!) and some serious potty-training for kaleb (yikes again!).

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