Thursday, February 16, 2012

valentines day

happy valentine's day! our little family celebrated this day of love by taking the kids to dinner. ellie picked mama fu's - mostly, i think, because of the close proximity to the playground :) we played for a bit - in fact, this marked kaleb's first time to actually play. previously, he's always sat in the carseat, usually asleep. man, he's growing up! we slid together, ellie climbed the big playscape and the little one. she ran around taking our orders. the kids got in the things on springs (for lack of knowing what they're really called), and even bounced a little together - kaleb loved this!

 ellie posed in this tunnel reminded me of a kids' store (at richardson square mall, i think) that we used to frequent, and in addition to the real-sized door, it also had a round tunnel of a door for kids to climb through. can't remember anything more about the store, but it was a memorable one for the entrance!

and then on to mama fu's for some yummy food! we all 4 shared a couple of dishes (kaleb only got to eat the rice, but he loved it!) before heading over to target for a couple of things and then on to home.

we opened a present from nonna -  thanks for all the books! we've read them all week long, and they're great new ones to add to our collection! (cacky sent some cute duds - ellie's shirt and headband can be admired above.) and then took a bath and headed for snuggies on the couch. what a great way to celebrate the day!

and my husband was no nice to text me my daily thoughts from him that in matthew, the writer reminds us that we, "who are evil (read, imperfect), know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven given good things to those who ask him!" (matt. 7.11) how cool to think that eric and i as parents loved our kids so much to do this for them, to have a great family night with lots of playing and fun - and to think that God can do that so much better for each of us because He's perfect. And he WANTS to do these things for us, just as we want to do fun things for our kids. I'm reminded again this week that we love because He did so first (1 John 4.19). Thank You, Jesus!

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