Sunday, February 5, 2012

we're home!

We started a new part of our journey Friday morning...we became homeowners again! If you keep up with our happenings, you know this was not really our plan, but apparently it was His plan - and we are so excited and on board with that plan now!

Friday morning, we woke up, took the kids to school - which was a treat for me since I am usually the picker-upper - and then proceeded to complete our final walk through of the house (everything was still in order) and then on to signing! It seemed we signed 7,000 documents, and most of them for the 2nd time (these lenders, I tell you) before it was all over.

We were even fortunate enough to walk out of the signing with a house key! We were given strict instructions at this time (10.00am) that we were not, under any circumstances, to access the house prior to 12 noon. Which was no problem by the time Eric picked up the u-haul and we loaded up at the apartment. We actually got to the house right at noon, and started the fast and furious unpacking.

We've been in severe drought in central Texas since last summer, and last week we got 6 inches of rain in just a little over 24 hours - actually made the news on Good Morning America for flooding in Austin that shut down I-35 near the apartment. So we figured we were in the clear so far as inclement weather, but how we were wrong. Austin had anywhere between a 30% and a 70% chance of rain on moving day - of course! But the clouds started breaking about the time we headed from apartment to house, and no one got rained on until late evening, after the moving into the house was done. Praise the Lord!

 Our house! And if you notice, the house next door has the same color trim. And so do several other houses on the street. The house painter must have gotten a deal on a big bucket of teal paint!

Our first meal...with many of our friends who helped move - thanks to sarabeth, mom and dad, will 1 and will 2, aj, and (not pictured) brandon. you all were a tremendous help!

some pics of the end of the first the house a little less than 12 hours, and there was cable on the tv, plates/cups/utensils in the kitchen cabinets, and a playroom full of toys. it doesn't get any better than this!

our room was low on the priority list, so we spent the first 2 nights on the mattress on the floor. it all got put together today, and it looks just as great as everything else!

fire in the fireplace (gas logs are great!), mantle decorated, and kaleb happily playing with his toolbox. what a great afternoon he and i had! ellie slept, and eric went to pick up the pieces of furniture we bought. the first, a pie safe...

and the second, a chest for our tv to sit on, complete with game/dvd/wii storage:

the kids discovered the under stairs closet this afternoon, and immediately asked to drag some toys in could be utilized much more than expected!

first meal on a gas stove again (so thankful to have gas again!) consisted of grilled cheese and ramen noodles. and a glass of wine out of the great new fridge.

the kitchen put together a little more tonight. clean countertops, no more boxes. whoo hoo!

one pooped out little girl who was a great help all weekend unpacking and entertaining her little brother while we unpacked. i think she likes her new house lots!

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