Sunday, February 26, 2012

interview with ellie

in the spirit of the red carpet tonight, i'm here with ellie odenwald in her new house. we've got an exclusive interview with her concerning all things fun! here's what i found out:

kate: hello, ellie. thanks for joining me tonight for this interview.
ellie: (silent)
kate: so...since you've last been interviewed (have you ever?), you moved into a new house. how are you liking things?
ellie: good
kate: yeah? what are some of your favorite things?
ellie: i like the porch, and i like, um, upstairs.
kate: what about upstairs?
ellie: i like that i have a dress-up box in my closet. that's it.

(ellie's picture on the left. mommy's on the right.)
kate: is there anything else in the house that you like?
ellie: um, uh huh. i like in this house that you have a craft room and i like that i have a little brother.
kate: do you play with your little brother?
ellie: yes
kate: where do you like playing with him?
ellie: in the playroom and in the living room both. i like playing with kaleb with the hammer and with my kitchen.
kate: do you want to talk about the other pictures you took?
ellie: yeah. i like my magnet board.
kate: what do you do on it?
ellie: i spell words, play school, and put my artwork up there so kaleb doesn't get it.

kate: what was the third picture you took tonight?
ellie: i like the stairs.
kate: what about the stairs?
ellie: i don't like falling down, but it's fun to run up and down there. bath time! mommy, can i go take a bath?
kate: yes. do you have any closing remarks?
ellie: what?
kate: do you have anything else to say?
ellie: i like my camera. and that's all i have to say.

prior to tonight's interview, ellie was tasked with taking pictures of the 3 things in her new home that she loved. it seemed a bit unfair to do this after dark, as the backyard is truly her favorite spot to be. and from someone, she's learned that crocs are great yard shoes (could that be fabo?) and will ONLY go out back with crocs on. no socks. just crocs. oh my ellie!

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