Monday, October 8, 2012

happy columbus day

school's out for the day...that's right: an extra stay-at-home day! and all in honor of christopher columbus. how nice of him to sail the ocean so we could have an extra day to play :)

i went in to work for a couple of hours today, then came home to two kids and a husband ready to have fun! we ran a couple of errands, and then stopped at chick-fil-a for lunch before heading home. daddy complained he never got to eat chick-fil-a with the kiddos, but i informed him really it was that none of us ever ate chick-fil-a. i think the last time we ate it was in march when cacky came for a visit. not so recent  for us either!

kaleb fell asleep on the way home, so i put him in bed and covered him up - it's frigid here these days. i don't know if he sleeps with enough stuff in the crib with him:

and then i headed to the craft room to work on one of SEVERAL unfinished projects. this one's for ellie's bed. i made a list of all i needed/wanted to finish by the end of the year, so maybe i'll stick to it now that it's written down...

the e's stayed out front when we got home so they could see the recycle bin being dumped out. when we got home, the truck was doing the opposite side of our street, so they stayed out there for him to go all the way down the long street AND turn around AND come back - like 25 minutes! and what better to do than to pick up a bunch of acorns?!? 

they collected a whole tupperware container of them. daddy told ellie he'd dump them over the back fence to see if any oak trees would  grow. she liked my idea better, though - i'm going to pinterest (is that a verb?) craft ideas to do with acorns, and we might get crafty after nap time. 

loving fall weather these days! loving the extra time i get to spend with my family today!

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