Saturday, October 27, 2012

fun-filled weekend

so much going on here! the past few weeks have been the same old thing for our stay-home days. then last weekend happened - coach and nonna came for a quick visit (coordinated with coach's meetings). then this weekend (details to follow). then next weekend with fabo and cacky and aunt b coming to see us, among other things (like a wedding). 

so what to do during this fun weekend? well...

last night, we had leftovers for dinner - it gets better - then went for a walk to pass out grocery sacks. in anticipation of halloween, where you knock on doors to get things, our church is knocking on doors to help give something to others. we passed out bags last night with a note of what we're doing - asking for non-perishables to help replenish the capital area food bank just in time for the holidays. we'll go back by sunday to pick them up. last night, actually was just dropping them off - no door-knocking. tomorrow, we'll actually knock on doors to ask for collections. it was a great family event to prayer walk through our neighborhood, the place where God has blessed us with a house to live in and live among our neighbors. we prayerfully placed the bags, asking for God to bring us to get to know those who live closest to us, and for ways to share the Gospel and encourage them (and them, us) in their/our walks of faith. after our walk, we came home to pop popcorn and watch "mickey's treat" on dvd. 

great night :)

then comes today...american heart association's heart walk this morning!

the hospital for which i work is part of a partnership of 6 hospitals around austin who very much support the efforts to raise money for heart disease research and treatment. and our surgery department had a team (led by my director) who raised more money than any other team at our facility. and then the walk came today. so we donned our matching t-shirts and headed out in the 50-degree weather to walk for a good cause.

i persuaded 2 of my coworkers to walk with us, so we all threw our kids in wagons (thanks, peytons, for loaning us yours!) and walked away!

kaleb really had a much better time than he shows on his face here. lots of snacks, and we were outdoors the entire time - his dream morning.

getting ready for the race to begin, we all crowded the starting line. and then we were off!

we visited daddy at work afterwards, and warmed up with a snack from the coffee bean just down the strip from him. he was excited to hear about/see all the swag we came home with. everything from balloons to mardi gras beads (no flashing involved) to tattoos to bananas and granola bars (thanks, heb). and kaleb's personal favorite...chap stick. i thought ellie loved the stuff, kaleb has shown even a greater appreciation for it!

both kids are resting (and i soon will be too) for the afternoon full of open house at tcby, complete with bounce house and free yogurt - what a great combination. then back home to fire up the grill for dinner with new friends who have a son 1 day younger than kaleb.

it's been a great weekend exploring the city we have grown to love, and to spend having fun with my kiddos while doing so!

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