Sunday, October 14, 2012

meal prep

i've gotten into a rhythm of weekend meal planning that consists of laying out a menu for the week every saturday morning, and then the kids and i go the grocery store after eric leaves for work. sunday afternoons are usually reserved for getting things ready for the week - if it can be made ahead, prepped and frozen, mixed together before the night we eat it, i do it! and today, kaleb's helping :)

 last week was rough for us...i worked longer hours due to busy-ness at the hospital, so i went straight from work to pick up the kids. it was full of cafeteria lunches for me and last-minute dinners for the family. so i strive this week to do better on both fronts!

i planned everything out yesterday, trying to incorporate more crock pot meals (kaleb doesn't like me to cook dinner after school. if anyone's in the kitchen when we get home from school, he thinks we should be eating!) and using ingredients from my own pantry/fridge/freezer to save on the grocery bill. i did pretty good!

and because i scourge the internet for new recipes each week, i was on pinterest and found this link. it inspired me - what a great way to do lunch! so kaleb and i just finished chopping, dividing up, and stuffing quart-sized mason jars for all 5 of my lunches for the week. a couple of ranch...a couple of balsalmic vinegar...a french. i've got some hard boiled eggs and avocados to take along and add to the mix when i empty the jar each day.


i'll keep you posted as to the success/failure of the salad-in-a-jar.

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