Thursday, March 1, 2012

crafty night

so the first project wasn't actually done tonight, but over the weekend...totally inspired by pinterest:

that's right...a necklace holder/organizer in my closest.
and that's right again...that's a toilet paper roll.

pinterest said to use a towel rack, but my closet doesn't afford me such width anywhere convenient, so toilet paper roll it is! and it works quite well with the shower hooks on it.
altogether cost of the project: $20 - can't beat that!

and now for the real craft:

i've completed my 1st robot for kaleb's big-boy quilt! i'm so excited!

the pattern called for something like 30 robots of varying patterns, and as i started to cut out the pieces for the first one i realized that it was A BUNCH of TINY pieces to cut and assemble, and that it would take me forever...and it wasn't going to be much fun but mostly tedious work.

so i adapted the pattern to my liking. and i blew up the patterns for the 5 different robots so that the same size quilt (to fit a twin-sized bed) will contain 6 robots (one gets to be repeated once). and i'm super-excited to be 1/6 of the way to completing these little guys...he looks so cute!

right now, the robot's just laying on top of the white fabric, but when he gets sewn on, he'll have some puffed-up parts and some stitching details (like pupils). can't wait to see it come together!

and the best part is, i only have to half-way pick up because it's all contained in my craft room :)

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