Sunday, March 11, 2012

Darla Nitelight

Meet Darla Nitelight:

eric says that name sounds a little shady, but indeed, it's just the name of ellie's new dragonfly that hangs above her bed. when i was growing up, i had gill the gull above my bed - much similar concept...pull the cord and he "flies". the last time ellie was at mom and dad's she played with gill gull. she loved him! and thus, cacky found gill a long-distance friend :)

in other news, it's rained since friday morning, and we're just now seeing a bit of sun and not gray sky - it's amazing! we needed the rain, though. and it's kept us in the house doing things we needed to do anyway. this morning, eric vacuumed upstairs, which happens to be one of kaleb's favorite things to help with. in his room, he watches from the crib:

in all the other rooms, he follows the vacuum and holds the cord. such the helper! we've also cleaned out the garage and organized it a little. we're taking 2 carloads of stuff to goodwill this afternoon. everyone's laid down to at least rest (maybe not actually nap, but close) since we woke up this morning and discovered we lost an hour somewhere overnight - that's right, turn your clocks forward if you haven't already!

eric and i decided the first spring after ellie was born, though, that springing forward was MUCH easier than falling backwards after kids were in the picture. toddlers/infants don't much know how to sleep an extra hour when it's given to you, but when one's taken away, they sleep the same amount they always do, thus giving you a bit more time in bed! both kids woke up about 7am, new time, and we snuggied as a family in bed and watched sesame street until almost 8am. great morning!

and to round out the day, we've got jonah's birthday party after lunch (which will be an interesting test of a no-nap day for ellie) and then church tonight, and then daddy's headed to a concert tonight of a church friend who's playing downtown. way fun sunday! way busy!

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