Sunday, March 11, 2012

dimples the clown

i know 2 posts in 1 day seems slightly obsessive, but i've got to show off my cute little girl! we got to celebrate jonah's birthday with his this afternoon - jonah is one of the little boys in ellie's class, and his sister, sadie, is also at school with the kids, and ellie talks about jonah and sadie a lot.

if you can a boyfriend at this age, i suppose he's ellie's...they hold hands occasionally at nap time, they play house at recess and jonah and ellie are the daddy and mommy (to 2 other kids, who don't pretend to be kids but rather cats), and jonah was the infamous one who ellie reported to me one afternoon, "he eats stinky glue at school." all things good to know, i suppose :)

and yesterday, jonah turned 4 - so today he celebrated! and we went to celebrate with him. there were several kids from class, and a couple of neighborhood kids, too. lots more girls than boys. and yet ellie (as shy as she was) was still the one jonah would run to and stare down until the whole group ran off chasing one another around the yard again.

dimples the clown made a guest appearance as well. he sat down right next to ellie, and as expected, she was not pleased with this stranger next to her. she stared for several minutes at him as he talked about face painting and told the kids to pick out a picture and even started painting jonah's face. ellie stared long and hard at him. kind of that stare, cacky and aunt b, that she gave the chick-fil-a worker that day - the one that reads, "you are really bothering me, now, go away!"

but she watched several kids have their face painted. jonah had a batman mask. santiago was a tiger. and all the other little girls who went before ellie (4 in all) were purple kitties. ellie's choice? a dalmation! she sat very still while he did his work, and when all was done, she posed for the camera!

and then on one of his trips to check on her, jonah paused for a picture with ellie...perhaps batgirl would have a been a more appropriate choice?!?

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