Monday, March 26, 2012

warped medicine

so you know that clip in "my big, fat, greek wedding" where the father sprays windex on everything wrong? and then on her wedding day, the bride really buys into it and puts windex on her pimple? that's so going to be my children...

i have found myself in the past months talking ellie into putting baby lotion on EVERYTHING - from scrapes to bruises to sore fingers. my standard answer has always been, "let's wash it really good in the bath and then look at it afterwards. i bet some lotion will do it lots of good."

this week, though, we might have crossed the line with crazy medical advice. ellie woke up in the middle of the night friday night/saturday morning with a tummyache. i did the mommy thing and rubbed her back while she fell asleep again (didn't work) and talked her into trying to go potty (didn't work) and laying on her back (really didn't work) so eric ended up sleeping in her room with her. in the morning, we were talking about how this was not going to be a normal occurrence, daddy sleeping in her room - and ellie said something about how when daddy came in he turned on the fan (what she doesn't know is that this was for personal comfort for daddy, not necessarily for ellie comfort) and that helped her feel better. so we suggested she sleep with the fan on from now on. "so my tummy won't hurt." right, ellie, so your tummy won't hurt...

she slept great saturday night! all the way until 7am sunday (hasn't done that in months)! and when nap time came saturday afternoon, she woke up and told me her tummy hurt. "really?" i said. "yeah, we forgot to turn on my fan." right...

and a few pics of the great weather we've had to spend time outside:

ellie shaking her bubbles. likes them to stay inside the container for less mess...

kaleb charging the grass...he quickly had dirt in/around his mouth. such a boy!

my container herb garden!
parsley, basil, and rosemary

kaleb stepped in the puddle of bubbles that were spilt by ellie. she's concerned. he thought the gushing mud between his toes was cool :)

the start to a home garden. we thought pots would do us. but they just don't hold much. eric has given me a 4' X 4' area of the back of the yard to till up and then plant with veggies. i am so excited! we've got some cedar to frame the 'garden' once i get it all tilled - about 2/3 of the way done now. and i broke a tine on the pitch fork. oops. i am so excited about the possibilities to grow our own fruits/veggies at home! ellie and i had a blast last spring watering and de-weeding and checking on our tomatoes on a daily basis, so we'll expand a bit this year and see what happens...

ellie's playhouse is now being used equally by both kids. there are fights over who gets to use which food and plates and utensils. ellie uses them for cooking and serving make-believe food. kaleb uses them as chew toys. they cooked me some mac 'n cheese tonight. it was delish!

we're loving the warmer weather and longer nights...many more opportunities to get outside and run about! looking forward to spending a bit more time out front to meet more neighbors as we take ownership of our house. so blessed to be living here!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of the kids! They are getting so big! I am may have to steal your herb garden idea...that is awesome! Hope y'all are having a great week.
