Tuesday, July 17, 2012

hello again

i feel like i updated every day for the first week of the month and then dropped this blog like a bad habit. sorry.

this past weekend, though, this household has suffered a sinus infection, 3 days of 103-degree fever, 2 stomach bugs, a trip to the ER (for rehydration), 2.5 missed days of work and 2 missed days of school. but i think we're over it all and ready to move on to the lake this weekend!

we are super-pumped to get to spend the weekend just an hour away at a house on the lake with coach and nonna as well as brynn and chandler and uncle cody and aunt alana...ellie's been waiting all summer for this weekend! and as we watch 5 inches of rain fall on the ground thursday night, she looked at me and said, "this will be so good for the lake this weekend" - such a smart girl!

but first for some relaxing time for mama this afternoon - after nursing everyone back to good health, i was blessed with a few extra minutes in my afternoon today to come home after work and enjoy my craft room to it's fullest.

i've got ellie's birthday invites printing as i chain piece a quilt top together from some "man fabrics"...

that is, i participated in my first ever fabric swap in june. it was through a girl i'm connected with online through the austin modern quilt guild. mind you, i've attended one meeting in person, but feel like i'm totally a part as i stalk them on facebook and have hunted down a many of their blogs documenting quilting works and life. and one of the other not-so-involved members decided to organize a fabric swap of man-themed fabrics. i got my envelope of 36 different 10" squares mid-june and got around to picking out a pattern and cutting last week. and today i stitched!
another project in the works looks something like this...

not many more details, though. stay tuned for more!

and lastly, this one little box of 100 5X7 matte paper cards was bought when my little man was born to print his announcements on. and i thought, "man, what ever will i do with 100 cards. i only need like 30." well...i've not only printed his announcements on them, but also his birthday invites and thank you cards (which, btw, never got mailed...thanks one and all for the gifts!), and now have completed ellie's invites. and the box is empty.

it's been such a fun, creative hour in my craft room...i should carve out more time - even if it's in 15-minute tidbits - to spend in this place...it's so fun in here!

blessed to have a space of my own, i'm now off to pick up the kids and pick up with life as usual!

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