Sunday, July 8, 2012

kids are home!

the school where the kids are enrolled is great in that it is open summer off like real school - except, it closes for the first week of july for everyone to get a little vacation. which presents a week without childcare for us. which led to a road trip for the kids and me. 

we took off last saturday for garland, no stops along the way, and stayed with fabo and cacky until mid-week. on wednesday, i got the kids over to cliff and sally's and settled them in before i headed back to return to a half a week of work. cliff and sally returned them yesterday. and boy, were they ready to be home! in the first 15 minutes they were here, ellie wanted to unpack everything from her backpack and duffel bag, and kaleb pulled out ALL toys from ALL bins to make sure everything was still here. i picked up twice in the few hours before eric got home from work, and he still came home to a downstairs covered in toys:

ellie pulled out her school to play - after all, her "class" had missed her all week!

and at some point, kaleb joined her class. but not for long before he discovered he could play with daddy without having to share him with ellie!

it'd been a week since eric had seen the kids, after all, so he was in a mood to play all night! we got them bathed and in bed within a reasonable proximity to their normal bedtime (i understand there were lots of late nights at coach and nonna's house!) and i'm sure we've got a bit more un-doing to do (no, you cannot eat fruit snacks for lunch...), but it's just so good to have our little family together again!

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