Tuesday, July 24, 2012


we had spaghetti tonight. so kaleb had cheese and bread and fruit, and then i tried to feed him some spaghetti with a kaleb fork. and he would have none of it. but he threw a tantrum until i gave in and put the bowl on his tray. and he ate every last bite. and a second helping. and he LOVED it!

it must be so cool to eat like a big person :) his fork remained in 1 hand most of the meal, and he would grab a fistful of pasta and gobble it down. good thing he was wearing red!

ellie requested pasta for her meal this week, and she really must have meant it - here she is with a clean plate:

and that's after 2 helpings of spaghetti for her as well! i know what to cook more of around here!

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