Saturday, July 7, 2012


when you're long overdue for an updated blog post, i suppose you're supposed to recap everything that's happened in the meantime...not so much for me today. there's quite a bit i'd like to record, and will in due time, but for now, i want to share my crafting lately.

i was inspired several weeks ago by a quilt at red pepper quilts and thought it would be great (and pretty easy) to use up some of my overflowing scraps from other quilts. so i started cutting. and then sewing. and taking it a little at a time, i've now got this to show:

and it's cool to look through and see fabrics used in other projects. there's one from ellie's baby quilt (red and orange), one from a pillow i made for the glider in her nursery (pink print), a couple from kaleb's robot quilt (black and white prints) that's still in progress. some fabrics were bought for projects that i then decided to take another direction and never ended up using - until now. 

i was amazed that you could throw a bunch of fabrics together that were of similar colors and the patterns would work so well together. it was super-fun to piece together!

and perhaps the coolest part for me is that this is the first project with my custom label sewn on...i've marked it as a kate creation! i set out originally with the label reading, "see kate sew" but then that very night stumbled upon this great blog: see kate sew. already taken. and wanting to be original, i settled upon:

which really is rather perfect, as when i'm asked about hobbies and interests, people find it rather unusual for a 20-something (at least for a couple more years) to have such an interest in sewing and quilting. so...that's right...i sew!

i look forward to other projects marked by me - crayon rolls, skirts for ellie, a superhero cape for kaleb perhaps. and of course, quilts!

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