Monday, September 3, 2012

birthday eve

being my birthday eve today was great - it was labor day! which means it's a stay-at-home day. which means we won't really stay at home, but we don't have to go to work. so fun!

after a yummy kolache breakfast and seeing coach and nonna off to return safely to garland, we got ready for the day and headed north - to ikea! we were there at 10am sharp, when the doors opened, and both kids took a nap in the car on the way (it is about a 45-minute drive).  

my family gave me their present a day early - i could rejoin the family...that is, they gave me a chair that was all mine for the playroom. as of late, i've noticed that eric sits at his desk and computerizes as the kids play in the playroom, and i am relegated to the couch for lack of a better place to hover nearer to them. so we went to pick out my chair.

but the problem, you see, is that when we got to moving things around this morning to see about room for the chair, we discovered (ok, it was me who really discovered these thing) that we needed different storage in the playroom. and then eric insisted on the kid-size chair  to match.

and while we were at it, we should probably look for a table for my sewing machine as well (thanks, sally, for the recommendation!). 

and here's a side view. i love the shelves that are visible from the hallway. better than the standard 2-shelve unit.

and then we stumbled across shelving for a library for ellie (has been on my to-do list for months). and where i thought i'd DIY it on this project, i can't beat a $30 price tag for 2 shelves.

quote of the weekend comes from ellie: "mama, really i just think this library is great. now i don't even have to get up to change books when i need a new one."

and in the process of converting from books in cubbies to these ledges, we did some cleaning out. in the "donate" pile was a green gideon's of ellie's favorites as a baby (as i recall, it traveled with us everywhere in ellie's backpack because she was always calmed by the gideon's donation). and kaleb picked it up and loved it! preach it, brother!

great birthday eve today...loved every minute!

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