Saturday, September 22, 2012

ellie's room complete

i think ellie's room is finally finished! for now...i'm sure i'll find another pinterest inspiration of sorts to add a touch here or there, but for the most part, it's done. all that i set out to do, i did. so check it out:

i was inspired by london's big girl room but knew i didn't have the wall space or desire to hang all those thousands of just a few would work to provide a similar effect. and i got a bit crafty to do the I <3 U ABCs and the 'you are my sunshine' pics, thanks to photoshop. yup, stolen right from the pages of the internet and brought to my child's room free-of-charge. 

i took advantage of mom being with me this morning, and she provided a great eye for a couple of needed fillers from hobby lobby (all half off. i love that place.) as well as an extra set of hands in case the kids got crazy. but thanks to ritz cheese crackers, no craziness took place. just a lot of messy snacking.

on a more somber note: as we took off for hobby lobby, we got ready to turn from the street leading out of our neighborhood onto the more main road towards the store. we were in the left turn lane, third from the front. the car just in front of us was broad-sided as she turned left by an suv that ran the red light without attempt to break. we witnessed the whole thing. i rushed to the scene about the time another man did, and we confirmed that all parties were ok (some were complaining of a sore neck), all were awake, and there was no blood.

what a blessing none were seriously injured. what a blessing everyone could walk away from the scene. what a fast response from police and ems (they were there within 5 minutes of mom calling to report the accident). what great samaritans of several other witnesses to stop and render aid as needed (none was, but they were willing) and for no one consider blame in the moment. praise God for his goodness in this moment.

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