Sunday, September 2, 2012

beach, day 3

i was so motivated to tell you about the first two days in the sun and surf...i'm not sure what happened. oh, yeah...we had so much fun we were exhausted! and it's taken me the rest of the week to catch up :)

so we headed out sunday morning. but not nearly enough for ellie. when you get up at 6am and have just had a great previous day of beach experience, you're ready to put on your suit and head to the waves before the sun comes up - she begged ALL MORNING to get dressed and go surf the waves. and finally, at 8.45am, we headed out. being the first day of school, we had the beach all to ourselves - what a great time of the year to go on vacation!

 kaleb fell asleep on the way (we took the car today), and after we unpacked the back, we laid him in it to finish his nap.

and when he was done, he got right in with the girls to make some sancastles and get dirty.

in the afternoon session on the beach, the waves were GREAT, and we got to play in them lots. ellie was in a silly mood, and flapped her wings like a chicken. i joined in the fun, and apparently i was the only one caught on camera :)

daddy and ellie played in the waves

even ellie got into t he mess of the sand...and she's usually pretty clean! it was so cool to watch it drip from her hands to land on her legs and feet - and then go wash it in the water. again and again!

the kids conversed in the shallow water. just shooting the breeze. 

busy little man.

kaleb was fussy for a bit, so fabo grabbed him and they walked down the beach a bit. and with no one else there, we could use all the beach we want!

daddy and ellie built a great sand castle, complete with mote around it - this was ellie's wish for weeks leading up to the trip. she wanted to "build sandcastles in the sand" - and it came true!

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