Tuesday, September 4, 2012

pretty great day

i'm never too excited about my birthday. although my family seems to think i celebrate for weeks on end each year. in fact, i kept it pretty mum this year as to when the actual day was. but the cat got out of the bag. and thus led to my day filled with highlights. not such a bad thing, i suppose.

1. my family sang to me as i came in the kitchen this morning. kaleb head-bobbed to the tune!

2. my husband brought me coffee and coffee cake to work mid-morning. and a card that made noise. thus my coworkers heard the card and found out it was my birthday.

3. they sang happy birthday to me and presented me with a balloon and card.

4. tiff's treats delivered a great afternoon snack just after lunch, courtesy of two great people i work with/for.

5. ellie told her teachers at school it was my birthday, so they helped her craft a card for me to have when i picked up the kids tonight.

6. we got home and were greeted with a variety of packages on my porch including some quilting books from my aunt/uncle and a package of fabric from a fabric swap i participated in - perfect timing for the fabric, i do say!

7. the best package on my porch was hand-delivered by an amazing friend and included a bottle of wine and flavored marshmallows (perhaps 2 of my favorite things) in a bag that read, "boss lady." abby, you crack me up!

8. dinner at home was breakfast - how can you go wrong with breakfast?!?

9. (only downer of the night here...) kaleb was a bit fussy and got to go to bed early tonight (i think teething, maybe? or just plain rottenness?) so ellie was an only child. we played uno moo, and then a real game of uno, and then she and eric worked a puzzle and then i helped her with her shower, and now she's reading from her amazing library while i write this. great time with my girl tonight!

10. i'm about to get to read a book to my child and then tuck her in and go have round 2 (or maybe 3 or 4 or 5) of tiff's treats with my husband.

11. i received text messages and e-mails and facebook messages throughout my day from friends wishing me a great day - it was!

man, that's a lot to be thankful for. i'm so blessed! if this is what it's like to get older, bring it on...i'll take the love anytime!

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