Sunday, August 5, 2012

celebrating 4 years

hard to believe, but our little girl is just about 4 years old! it seems crazy that at this time 4 years ago, we had no kids. and this time last year, we crammed a garage sale, birthday party, and a move to a new city all in one weekend. so just to pull off a birthday party is nothing, right?!?

a couple of months ago, ellie picked a movie-themed party (maybe with a little persuasion from some pinterest ideas...maybe), and we sent out the invites a couple of weeks ago. and boy, was yesterday one star-studded event :)

 the birthday girl poses with her cupcake

and in case we couldn't read that the yellow candle says '4', she's holding up four fingers to demonstrate how old she'll be!

on the way into the house, all party-goers (young and old) were encouraged to stop at the table o' bling for some jewels to adorn their hands/wrists/necks and eyewear to die for! after they got to looking like a movie star, the kids were ushered to the concession stand to pick up some popcorn, pizza bites, and candy. thanks, grandmothers and aunt, for serving (you can thank me for not mandating your attire - i thought about aprons and hats :)

 the kids all went home with a movie-watching bucket - all they will need to add is the movie! the pop corn containers contained a bag of popcorn, some pla-dough (to get through the slow parts of the movie) candy, and a magical (mechanical) pencil (this is ellie's term).

the living room was the perfect location for a drive-in movie! there was just enough room for 9 "cars" and before the part ever started, kaleb was totally excited about his task to try them all out!

who ever would have guessed that a bunch of preschoolers LOVE boxes?!? i turned on the movie, and they all wandered in with snacks to find their car (they got to pick...first come, first serve). AND THEY STAYED IN THEM!!! after the movie, we proceeded to open presents, then cupcakes, then back to the boxes to play in them some more! little jonah was so excited to fold himself up inside one and pull the flaps on himself, i was concerned about him having a heat stroke. his mother kept pulling him out and making him grab a drink of water in the kitchen to help cool off.

my little girl looks SO BIG here!

family foto at the drive-in :)

i wasn't sure what ellie would think of everyone singing to her...after all, she's historically been super shy with this sort of thing. but she beamed as she listened to everyone singing to her yesterday...and she even blew out her own candle! it was such a fun afternoon of celebration with family (both sets of grandparents and an aunt) and friends (from church and school). 

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