Sunday, August 26, 2012

beach, day 1

 we are here! we've arrived! and actually, all this happened yesterday. we met up with fabo and cacky and aunt b and ashlee in austin for lunch and caravanned down here in the afternoon. got to port a around 5pm and unpacked both full cars.

and then it was dinner time - we chose the brewery. reportedly kid-friendly, and they've got cold beer (something we didn't have on moving in, but would have been nice). there was a (fake) serviceman at the front door that the kids really wanted to play with. but due to his one-armed status, i think we were supposed to leave him alone.

one of the best features of family vacations is that my kids have plenty of helping hands so that we're afforded a bit of a break. i'm not sure we've taken a picture of the two of us sans kids since ellie was born!

and one of fabo and the kids. ellie truly was happy, but she's in this phase of making silly faces for pictures. fabo indeed is not choking her.

today's agenda: soak up the sun, sand, and surf!

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