Sunday, August 19, 2012

kids just wanna have fun

i had the pleasure of hanging out with the "babies" tonight at church...there were 3 of them - kaleb and 2 2-year-olds. and i had another helper in there with me. ashly and i had the easiest job ever!

as i dug in my purse for some lip gloss just after arriving, j.d. wanted to peer over my shoulder at what i might pull out. he spotted an extra headband and donned it. thus started the idea to document in photo my evening. and now i present to you all the fun i had tonight:

j.d. in the extra headband. he was a bit afraid to sit with me. i had to coerce him with the appeal of a chair for him, and he only stayed just long enough for 1 picture. glad it was satisfactory.

the kids have this habit (on a weekly basis) of playing nap-time with all the baby pillows and blankies. here, penny decides ashly might be getting cold. i'm not going to comment on all the germs i envisioned on those pillows and blankies. moving on...

kaleb took no part in nap time (in fact, he shook his head vigorously when i asked if he wanted to go nite-nite). instead, he sat on the car garage (not intended for sitting upon) and played the mobile music so the nap-goers would have a soothing lullaby to which they could fall asleep.

towards the end of the evening, they wanted to line up in chairs in front of ashly. so she played the role of teacher - one she does well! she started with simple math, and it didn't get any harder. 1+1 is quite a challenge for most of these :) so much so, in fact, that kaleb had to pick his nose while thinking. great...a new habit he's picked up from his sister, no doubt.

and as if tonight in the baby classroom wasn't fun enough, it was also potluck sunday, and we had breakfast for dinner - sugary syrup and muffins and cinnamon rolls, yes please! extended play time in fellowship hall allowed the kids all a chance to ride on one of the heider's dueling skateboards.

penny was the first to belly-ride, and she wouldn't let brodie quit pushing her!

and sorry for the blurriness, but the camera was a last-minute thought, and the kids were moving. settings are off, but the pure joy is so evident!

i imagine penny saying, "thanks, friend, for such a fun time. you rock!"

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