Monday, August 27, 2012

beach, day 2

day 2 started with some clouds, but non-threatening ones. we all sat on the 3rd story porch and enjoyed the breeze (could be classified as strong winds at times), drank coffee, and watched the kids play.

after a yummy breakfast of egg/bacon tacos, we cleaned up, donned our bathing suits, packed a cooler, picked out a bucket full of toys, and headed to the beach. we were packing so much stuff, we could have been confused for the clampetts. 3 houses down the street, across the dunes on a long boardwalk, and we had sand between our toes!

kaleb's 1st steps into the water. a bit tentative, i suppose, but they would be the only tentative steps he took all day :)

an attempt at a family foto in the water. kaleb had other plans - back to the sandcastle-building. 

the kids played great together forever in the sand. they would work together to fill a bucket of watery sand (sand soup, if you will. a delicacy of ellie's outdoor kitchen.)

the beach was all ours! i don't know if it's the timing (school started today) or the location (pretty much as far from either beach access as you could get) but we had no company all morning. really nice!

our house was barely visible from the beach. it's the blue one with the wide roof in the middle of the picture.

ellie ran and ran and ran in the "skinny water" as the tide ebbed and flowed.

aunt b and ashlee lounged, enjoying the time off between clinicals this week.

we're in the water!

and back to the mess of the sand...

definitely all boy, kaleb always had 2 fists full of sand wherever he went - unless he just laid down in it.

this boy is dirty! fabo helped him along the way with smearing some wet sand all over him - kind of cement-like once it dried a bit. and since kaleb liked sticking his head in the sand, it was all over his hair as well :)

 i think he might even be telling us he's got some in his mouth. it was definitely in his ears when we got him in the bathtub.

and fabo wrote both kids' names in the sand, a repeat of ellie's first year at the beach.

super fun first day - in fact, while we were all in the water, ellie told cacky, "this is the funnest party." she was right :)

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