Sunday, August 19, 2012

spaghetti pizza pie

lately, i've resolved to try all these things i bookmark and pin. one such project i can't share because someone will unwrap it at Christmas...can't wait! but the next logical thing to do after trying them is to review them. and thus, we are here discussing the spaghetti pizza pie my family just consumed for lunch. i found the recipe several weeks ago at Full Bellies Happy Kids and thought, "winner, winner, pasta dinner!"

it was slated to make its debut in our house last week, but with all the craziness of life, we didn't eat it. and on a whim, i decided to cook lunch today. so, on to the review...

likes: tastes great, kids ate it (ellie asked for 2nds), easy to cook, few ingredients, comes out like the blog made it look

dislikes: dirties up too many dishes, takes 45 minutes start-to-finish

overall verdict? for a baked pasta dish, my ziti wins (according to eric...i agree). and for a spaghetti dish, it's one less messy dish to just fix spaghetti and sauce. and quicker, too. so although it wasn't at all bad - in fact, i'd eat it again at someone else's house - we'll stick to what we know around here!

happy sunday :)

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