Saturday, January 28, 2012

3 P's

The 3 P's in nursing are: pain, potty, position - assess/treat pain, assist to potty, reposition for comfort. And because I'm not in pain, no one needs to potty right now, and I'm positioned pretty comfortably, I will discuss 3 other P's - pink eye, packing, and parental reinforcements.

1. Pink Eye: that's right...we've passed pink eye around the house this week. fortunately, it was only the kids. ellie started it sunday night. dr. stafford (in fredericksburg) was nice enough to call in some medication to treat her. she stayed home monday, half a day with daddy and half a day with mommy. back to school tuesday. and then wednesday i picked kaleb up from school with yucky stuff in his eyes...called his doctor here and started him on eye drops. eye drops in 2 toddlers is no fun. we've washed LOTS of hands, avoided hugs/kisses between the kids, all the things you're supposed to do. and the contagion was inevitable anyways.

2. Packing: is in full swing. we're running out of boxes and living room space. kaleb likes all the boxes. ellie doesn't like that things are disappearing - but we try to encourage with the fact that they're not permanently gone, but just temporarily so we can take them to our new house. the countdown is on - we've been officially approved for our loan, and we close in just 6 days!

3. parental reinforcements: we've been blessed with 3 visitors this week. first, fabo came in on tuesday to visit (was going to stay with us, but the 1st "P" got in the way...didn't want to make him sick, too). we got to show him the new house, ellie played hide-and-seek upstairs with him, and then he treated us to dinner. it was great! then today, coach and nonna got here about mid-morning, and they are providing reinforcement for packing. they've kept the kids entertained all morning - wore kaleb out so he had to take a 2nd nap! but they've all 4 had fun! eric's been working this morning (for a short little while) and i've been allowed to pack without interruption and while knowing that the kids are having fun.

ellie and nonna got to watercolor. nonna named the work of art, "symphony in magenta"

coach and kaleb played at the pink table for awhile (and you can see the boxes in the background)

"what are you doing, mama, with that camera?"

i think the afternoon looks to be a good one - torchy's tacos for lunch, a visit to ikea, and a car ride full of naps for the women and children i predict!

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