Wednesday, January 4, 2012

He is faithful. He is good.

Eric and i have talked lots lately about how the life spent in pursuit of Christ isn't necessarily meant to be easy or comfortable, but to be walked with Him. We've used this much to encourage each other in our transition to a new city and a new set of jobs and a new place to live (both initially and again now as we look for something a bit more long-term). Tonight I sat in a room with 11 other women and talked about life. Specifically, we lifted up one another's burdens in prayer. Everything came out, and much was said with tears and in between sobs. Everything from a family struggling with the decline of a father's memory as Alzheimer's sets in to a battle to fight to feed the hunger within to grow more spiritually when the easy and perhaps more popular thing to do is relish the current "stage in life" with small kiddos without dedicating daily time to God. One shared of the family dysfunction brought on by a divorce many years ago and the feuds still remaining. Another shared of her struggle to realize her lack of control over her children coming to know Jesus early and trust Him without question - and ultimately the realization from her that the only thing to do was to pray, knowing the He controls all things. One shared of tough medical decisions having to be made by her and her husband on behalf of their child. Aother opened up about a heart-felt desire to go overseas in long-term ministry yet feeling inadequate and not-so-confident in her own skills to do the job. One struggles with ongoing health problems and physically hurts yet is enduring the testing to discover any possible answers as to cause. Another is adjusting to new job roles for both her and husband and how the kids will adjust and be cared for during this time. And as I drove home, all I could think of was, I am by no means alone. Where I had thought it was us in transition, and once things "settled down" life would return to "normal" I am now realizing is a constant endurance with patience and joy. And all for the glory of the One who has placed us in these situations and circumstances. I am all the more aware now that it seems the unsettled feeling is perhaps more the norm than the exception. It keeps us on our toes...or perhaps on our knees praying to the One who is ready to listen and respond. I continue even now to lift up my sisters. Knowing that the One who began the good work in us isn't then with us yet. "May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience in joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light." Colossians 1.11-12.

1 comment:

  1. ya know- I really believe this- When we struggle and have trials, we NEED God- that's right where He wants us! Not that He doesn't want good things for us too, I believe He does, but we humans tend to be pretty "self-sufficient" when things are all going well. So we should all hope that our "normal" is not so good that we don't "NEED and WANT" God to help us.
