Monday, January 9, 2012

on our way to sleeping in...

i want to remember this week in history. well, in the history of the little odenwald family here under this roof. it's been a week of more sleep than i can remember us getting since having kids!

thursday night before bed, eric had a pep talk with kaleb. it went something like this,
"ok, buddy, you'd better tank up now [on this bottle] because your midnight milk has run dry. there will be no snacks and no out of bed time. just a plug and back to sleep 'til morning."
eric must have gone to the cliff odenwald school of excellent motivational speaking, because kaleb slept until 7am friday morning! (mind you, previously, kaleb has been waking up about 3am for a 4-oz snack and then back to sleep until 5.30 or 6am.)

friday night, we weren't so lucky. kaleb attended his first session at the school of ferberization (if you're not familiar with dr. ferber and his methods, click here). we did it with ellie, and just after 3 or 4 nights, she was good to go all night on her own. so kaleb woke up about 2.30am, wanted nothing but a bottle, screamed loudly (sorry to our downstairs neighbors) and did so until about 3.20am - and eric and i were faithful at going in at allowed intervals and giving a plug and soothing him for short periods. nothing helped until he just gave up. the last 2 nights, though, he's slept through the night. with 5 plugs in his bed nonetheless. until 7am.

ellie on the other hand, has developed a habit of wanting in our bed with us around 5.30am. she stalks me. i feel her breathing on my face and wake up to her staring me down in the dark. really freaky. and if it's any time before 6am i give her the option of laying down on our floor or going back to her room to read books. and after 6am she crawls in bed with us. this weekend, it was right at 6am, she crawled in, and slept until after 7am. no way...2 kids who will let us sleep until am! i never would have thought this day would come!

both kids are so snuggly...kaleb around bedtime and ellie first thing in the morning...and i don't want them to grow out of this! sleeping kids are the sweetest things...for so many reasons! for the sleep you get as well, and for the warm snuggliness that comes along with the sleep :)

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