Sunday, January 29, 2012

Growing up so fast!

It amazes me how fast kids grow up...I know that everyone says this, but it's true! With Ellie, I feel I wanted her to grow faster. We started her on rice cereal way earlier than we should have, she walked early, all those things were on the early side of things. And I nus havnt been in such a rush with kaleb. At just days shy of 8 months, he's got 4 teeth, is cruising the furniture, talking, and branching out in his diet. All teeth are in the front, so no real choppers. So far as his cruising, he transfers from the table to the couch to people wight any problem. And he's even trying to figure out how to stand up without pulling up on something (walking himself up with his hands) and for about a second he can do a crouching balance before falling or sitting down. I'm amazed! Kaleb's words consist of "ba ba," "ma ma," "hubba hubba" - no's the cutest! For foods, I feel like we've actually regressed. He won't eat many baby foods. He's found out that applesauce (like the kind Ellie eats) is really yummy, cheerios are good, and as of this morning, pancakes were added to his limited menu (yay for kerby lane cafe). And as much as I think he doesn't want to eat the baby food, kaleb really just wants to do it himself. But again with only 4 teeth, we're limited in non-choking-hazard foods. I love sitting and wathing my kids together these days. Kaleb so loves his sister, and she so loves him, too! Ellie can make him laugh when no one else can, and he just studies her so much! This weekend alone they've played with La Loopsy dolls, he's been in her class, she's turned him into a frog with her magic wand, and he's dug into the dress up chest. It makes my heart happy to see them play together...can't wait for the day when he'll be old/big enough to really play. But then again, this is all about how time flies, so I guess we'll be there before I know it!

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