Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crafty Sunday

So much to report on, so little time...not really - plenty of time since both kids are napping at the same time! So, fair warning, this'll be long. Read on if you dare :)

To catch up on my crafting goals for 2012, I've not progressed one iota on the Robot Riot tracing - suppose I should without little hands around to grab at the patterns. On the Swoon Quilt, I've had a minor change of plans...I'm making 3 pillows from the squares rather than a whole quilt. And the fabric I will be using looks like this:

Fabric was found at Form & Fabric, an online store who has their workshop in Austin - it was site of January's Austin Modern Quilt Guild meeting, which I got to attend last week! I was so excited to go - I've been stalking AMQG for over a year now, and have dreamed of the day I got to attend, and last Thursday was that day! There were about 20 people at the meeting, and we talked about everything from current projects (show-and-tell) to troubleshooting tips to events coming up. I'm actually making a square to be a part of a quilt top that will be finished in time for April's Relay for Life silent auction. So exciting!

So why the change from a whole quilt to just shams for throw pillows for the couch? Because we might need a little new decor in our new house - slated to close early-mid February, pending inspection this week. We are so excited!! It's in a great little neighborhood, has 4 bedrooms (that's 1 whole room dedicated to my crafting!), great space downstairs for a playroom in addition to living space, a big backyard, backs up to a greenbelt (read, no neighbors behind us). And the best part is that it's in a little area with about 60-ish homes (and more on the other side of the main road) full of people with whom we hope to build relationships and eventually minister to and with. We are already in prayer and in discussion as to how to go about meeting our neighbors. So exciting!

In other news, we went to the mall Friday night to exchange some shoes for Kaleb that his Cacky sent - they were too small. Here he is sporting his new size 4.5 shoes, and surprisingly, the sales lady measured his feet, and they're not classified as 'wide'. By the looks of things, I would have begged to differ!

It's been a great weekend, and will continue for the kids tomorrow, as MLK Jr is recognized with a school holiday. I've got to go into work for a bit, but will be home with them for the bulk of the day while Eric works. We have our inspection in the afternoon, and it'll be Ellie's (and Kaleb's, although I don't think he's going to care) first time to see the house. I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing her reaction to it all. We've been talking about the change and how we'll have a house with a backyard and all, and she seems pretty excited.

Today, though, she was most excited to get to watercolor. And she makes some pretty cool pictures - I'm impressed with her skills!

Her OCD-ness kicks in at times, though, and she asks for new, clean water more often than I ever would, and today she needed a napkin because there was a drop of 1 color in the well of another color, and she wanted to clean it up before they mixed. All of this she gets from her father, I assure you!

While she did that, I worked on a new nap mat for her, but had to take a time-out to let the batting fluff up before sewing it all together. While I waited, I read some blogs, one from an attendee of the AMQG meeting last week. And from there, I found a link to a Hot Tamale Quilt. It inspired me to put something together from some fabric I knew I had in my stash - already pre-cut for another project I set out to do 2 years ago. Scrap that project and now we've got the start to a baby quilt in the making. And a way cute one at that!

Eric was mostly great at keeping up with Kaleb so that I could have some crafting time this morning (which I am reciprocating so he can go for a ride this afternoon...kind of me to volunteer my time during naptime, i suppose!) Every once in a while, Kaleb would make a break for it and come for the foot pedal to the sewing machine. And really, who could get mad at this kid?!?

Great weekend, and looking forward to some more family time tomorrow!

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