Monday, January 2, 2012

A couple of "firsts" for my kids

I'm late in delivering the news of my kids' "firsts" accomplished the week before Christmas. Part of it could be lack of pictures from those with them. Part of it is definitely the lack of a computer of my own to blog on - no worries, though...I'm getting mine back from the computer doctor tomorrow (and thank you to my great husband for letting me share his computer - he even made me my own folder to save stuff to...he rocks!).

And I have to say that as my hard drive was wiped out and files and pictures unrecoverable, I'm realizing that the process of blogging is as much for my memories as it is for others, so if something seems uninteresting to you, quit reading. I'll write something more exciting for you the next day. I just want to capture so much about this life that I can so we can look back to see where we were, what we were doing, and when. And Ellie's really embraced this lately as she's been thumbing through the scrapbooks of her baby book and Kaleb's baby book. And a few weeks ago, we looked through the hard copy version of her baby blog. So thankful I have these things for memories! But now on to what I'm supposed to be telling about...

Kaleb can now brag all about his first overnight trip away from Mommy and Daddy. He was just a mere 6 1/2 months old when he ventured to Dallas unaccompanied by parents, but I suppose it was all ok because he was in good company...Ellie joined him. And all this happened just 2 days after he was diagnosed with his first ear infections. What a week! Despite not feeling so well, I think he had a great time in Garland.

And it never fails, when Cacky's in charge overnight, Kaleb chooses not to sleep so well...hmmm, there must be something more to that...I think he was up a minimum of twice each night he was there (3 nights total) and didn't nap well during the day most days - although that part isn't much different than when he's here at home.

Ellie's couple of firsts include getting to Build-a-Bear with Aunt B - the bear was appropriately named Pinky. It warms my heart to see Ellie so genuinely happy with Pinky in the car on the way home! Last night, in fact, about 30 minutes after putting Ellie to bed, we heard her crying in her room. I went in and asked what was wrong. She said, "I want my Aunt B." I explained that Aunt B was at her home with Fabo and Cacky and couldn't be with us right now, but that she would come visit soon (so mark your calendar, Aunt B!) and suggested she sleep with Pinky. She agreed, since this was something she and Aunt B did together.

On other nights, Pinky sleeps in her "bed," that is, the house in which she came. Complete with birth certificate in the bottom - unremovable because we might lose it according to Ellie. Good call, my child.

I'm still waiting for pictures from Ellie's other first (hint, hint) - SHE WENT TO THE MOVIES IN THE THEATER!!! Cacky decided that it'd be fun to take her to the Muppet Movie. And Aunt B wanted to tag along. And they invited Coach and Nonna, who altered their plans for the day so as to accompany Ellie. Nonna's observation was that all the other kids at the movies had a parent or a grandparent with them - maybe 2 if they were lucky. Ellie, however, strutted up to the ticket booth with her entourage! Ellie and her peeps had so much fun - and it only took 2 packs of fruit snacks and 1 pack of animal crackers. She told me about it afterwards.

I am told that the conversation the night before sounded something like this:
Cacky: Ellie, have you ever been to the movies?
Ellie thought for a minute and replied, "I've been to the movie store"

Oh, my Ellie! I'm so glad she has such fun family who will share in fun things like this with her (and no doubt Kaleb when the time comes).

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