Monday, January 16, 2012

Holiday Monday

Since my kids have been in school this year, I've gotten to celebrate such holidays as Columbus Day in October and now MLK Jr Day. Not that I've ever been opposed to either holiday, but I've always worked, and never felt slighted for missing such holidays. And I've got to tell you, I am so thankful for a job right now that allows me to be off with them! (And not that my previous job didn't allow for such, because it was way flexible, but Eric had the even more flexible job so he always volunteered to be off.) I enjoy the extra weekend day, essentially that's what it is, that I can spend with my kiddos! They've worn me out today, though, and I am just as thankful for school tomorrow!

Kaleb has a new-found obsession with Andy's crate, which is under my desk (might want to reconsider location), and the two are becoming better friends now that Andy can talk Kaleb into finding the only if Andy could teach him how to open the bag...
I got the opportunity to play in the kids' room last night during church, and what fun we had! Kaleb loved the giant school bus with car tracks on the front - it was just his height!

JD was not as happy (only towards the end) as he kept asking when his mama and daddy would be back. We looked out the window lots at the trees and lights and truck ("beep beep") as we watched it get dark throughout the evening.

And to round out the weekend, we had our home inspection this afternoon. The inspector was super-nice, from Highland Park originally (a fellow Dallas-ite), and best of all, said the house was CLEAN so far as he was concerned! There were a couple of small fixes he recommended but nothing that was mandatory, and nothing that the home owners had to fix before closing. Which is one less snag in the plans for us to close mid-February...whoo hoo!

While he gave us the report in the kitchen, the kids gathered in the living room and played on the iPad together - I'm not an advocate for lots of TV and video games and such, but the iPad has been a life-saver during this house-buying process.
The kids and I arrived a few minutes before Eric did, and the inspector was in the attic at the time, so we wandered around. I showed Ellie the playroom and living room, we walked through the kitchen ("Mommy, this is a big pantry. Lots of space.") and then made our way upstairs. We saw the craft room, then the master bedroom, then the kids' rooms. Upon going into Ellie's room, she looked behind the door and exclaimed, "Mama, there's a boingy-thing for Kaleb to play with in here!" She then checked Kaleb's room for the same, and found it to have 2 boingy things! I've never thought to put this on the wish list when shopping for a new home, but now I forever will!

Eric got there just as we completed the upstairs tour, and Ellie was excited to show him her room. And then Kaleb's. And then "the room where all Mommy's quilty stuff can go." I asked if she realized that Mommy and Daddy saw the house last week without her, and she said, "No. I don't think Daddy's seen it before." Hehehe :)

All in all, it was a great 3-day weekend that started with a home offer and ended with a clean bill of health for that said home. 

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